Source code for snps.snps

""" ``SNPs`` reads, writes, merges, and remaps genotype / raw data files.


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Copyright (c) 2019, Andrew Riha
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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import copy
from itertools import groupby, count
import logging
import os
import re
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype

from snps.ensembl import EnsemblRestClient
from snps.resources import Resources
from import Reader, Writer, get_empty_snps_dataframe
from snps.utils import Parallelizer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SNPs:
[docs] def __init__( self, file="", only_detect_source=False, assign_par_snps=False, output_dir="output", resources_dir="resources", deduplicate=True, deduplicate_XY_chrom=True, deduplicate_MT_chrom=True, parallelize=False, processes=os.cpu_count(), rsids=(), ): """Object used to read, write, and remap genotype / raw data files. Parameters ---------- file : str or bytes path to file to load or bytes to load only_detect_source : bool only detect the source of the data assign_par_snps : bool assign PAR SNPs to the X and Y chromosomes output_dir : str path to output directory resources_dir : str name / path of resources directory deduplicate : bool deduplicate RSIDs and make SNPs available as `SNPs.duplicate` deduplicate_MT_chrom : bool deduplicate alleles on MT; see `SNPs.heterozygous_MT` deduplicate_XY_chrom : bool or str deduplicate alleles in the non-PAR regions of X and Y for males; see `SNPs.discrepant_XY` if a `str` then this is the sex determination method to use X Y or XY parallelize : bool utilize multiprocessing to speedup calculations processes : int processes to launch if multiprocessing rsids : tuple, optional rsids to extract if loading a VCF file """ self._file = file self._only_detect_source = only_detect_source self._snps = get_empty_snps_dataframe() self._duplicate = get_empty_snps_dataframe() self._discrepant_XY = get_empty_snps_dataframe() self._heterozygous_MT = get_empty_snps_dataframe() self._discrepant_vcf_position = get_empty_snps_dataframe() self._low_quality = get_empty_snps_dataframe().index self._discrepant_merge_positions = pd.DataFrame() self._discrepant_merge_genotypes = pd.DataFrame() self._source = [] self._phased = False self._build = 0 self._build_detected = False self._output_dir = output_dir self._resources = Resources(resources_dir=resources_dir) self._parallelizer = Parallelizer(parallelize=parallelize, processes=processes) self._cluster = "" self._chip = "" self._chip_version = "" if file: d = self._read_raw_data(file, only_detect_source, rsids) # Replace multiple rsids separated by commas in index with the first rsid. E.g. rs1,rs2 -> rs1 multi_rsids = { multi_rsid: multi_rsid.split(",")[0] for multi_rsid in list( filter(lambda x: len(x.split(",")) > 1, d["snps"].index) ) } d["snps"].rename(index=multi_rsids, inplace=True) self._snps = d["snps"] self._source = ( d["source"].split(", ") if ", " in d["source"] else [d["source"]] ) self._phased = d["phased"] self._build = d["build"] self._build_detected = True if d["build"] else False if not self._snps.empty: self.sort() if deduplicate: self._deduplicate_rsids() # use build detected from `read` method or comments, if any # otherwise use SNP positions to detect build if not self._build_detected: self._build = self.detect_build() self._build_detected = True if self._build else False if not self._build: self._build = 37 # assume Build 37 / GRCh37 if not detected else: self._build_detected = True if assign_par_snps: self._assign_par_snps() self.sort() if deduplicate_XY_chrom: if ( deduplicate_XY_chrom is True and self.determine_sex() == "Male" ) or self.determine_sex(chrom=deduplicate_XY_chrom) == "Male": self._deduplicate_XY_chrom() if deduplicate_MT_chrom: self._deduplicate_MT_chrom() else: logger.warning("no SNPs loaded...")
def __len__(self): return self.count def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self._file, str): return f"SNPs('{os.path.basename(self._file)}')" else: return "SNPs(<bytes>)" @property def source(self): """Summary of the SNP data source(s). Returns ------- str Data source(s) for this ``SNPs`` object, separated by ", ". """ return ", ".join(self._source) @property def snps(self): """Normalized SNPs. Notes ----- Throughout ``snps``, the "normalized ``snps`` dataframe" is defined as follows: ============= =================================== =============== Column Description `pandas` dtype ============= =================================== =============== rsid [*]_ SNP ID object (string) chrom Chromosome of SNP object (string) pos Position of SNP (relative to build) uint32 genotype [*]_ Genotype of SNP object (string) ============= =================================== =============== .. [*] Dataframe index .. [*] Genotype can be null, length 1, or length 2. Specifically, genotype is null if not called or unavailable. Otherwise, for autosomal chromosomes, genotype is two alleles. For the X and Y chromosomes, male genotypes are one allele in the non-PAR regions (assuming `deduplicate_XY_chrom`). For the MT chromosome, genotypes are one allele (assuming `deduplicate_MT_chrom`). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ return self._snps @property def snps_qc(self): """Normalized SNPs, after quality control. Any low quality SNPs, identified per :meth:`identify_low_quality_snps() <snps.snps.SNPs.identify_low_quality_snps>`, are not included in the result. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ if len(self._low_quality) == 0: # ensure low quality SNPs, if any, are identified self.identify_low_quality_snps() if len(self._low_quality) > 0: # filter out low quality SNPs return self._snps.drop(self._low_quality) else: # no low quality SNPs to filter return self._snps @property def duplicate(self): """Duplicate SNPs. A duplicate SNP has the same RSID as another SNP. The first occurrence of the RSID is not considered a duplicate SNP. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ return self._duplicate @property def discrepant_XY(self): """Discrepant XY SNPs. A discrepant XY SNP is a heterozygous SNP in the non-PAR region of the X or Y chromosome found during deduplication for a detected male genotype. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ return self._discrepant_XY @property def heterozygous_MT(self): """Heterozygous SNPs on the MT chromosome found during deduplication. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ return self._heterozygous_MT @property def discrepant_vcf_position(self): """SNPs with discrepant positions discovered while saving VCF. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ return self._discrepant_vcf_position @property def low_quality(self): """SNPs identified as low quality, if any, per :meth:`identify_low_quality_snps() <snps.snps.SNPs.identify_low_quality_snps>`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ if len(self._low_quality) == 0: # ensure low quality SNPs, if any, are identified self.identify_low_quality_snps() return self._snps.loc[self._low_quality] @property def discrepant_merge_positions(self): """SNPs with discrepant positions discovered while merging SNPs. Notes ----- Definitions of columns in this dataframe are as follows: ============== =========== Column Description ============== =========== rsid SNP ID chrom Chromosome of existing SNP pos Position of existing SNP genotype Genotype of existing SNP chrom_added Chromosome of added SNP pos_added Position of added SNP (discrepant with pos) genotype_added Genotype of added SNP ============== =========== Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._discrepant_merge_positions @property def discrepant_merge_genotypes(self): """SNPs with discrepant genotypes discovered while merging SNPs. Notes ----- Definitions of columns in this dataframe are as follows: =============== =========== Column Description =============== =========== rsid SNP ID chrom Chromosome of existing SNP pos Position of existing SNP genotype Genotype of existing SNP chrom_added Chromosome of added SNP pos_added Position of added SNP genotype_added Genotype of added SNP (discrepant with genotype) =============== =========== Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._discrepant_merge_genotypes @property def discrepant_merge_positions_genotypes(self): """SNPs with discrepant positions and / or genotypes discovered while merging SNPs. Notes ----- Definitions of columns in this dataframe are as follows: =============== =========== Column Description =============== =========== rsid SNP ID chrom Chromosome of existing SNP pos Position of existing SNP genotype Genotype of existing SNP chrom_added Chromosome of added SNP pos_added Position of added SNP (possibly discrepant with pos) genotype_added Genotype of added SNP (possibly discrepant with genotype) =============== =========== Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ df = pd.concat( [self._discrepant_merge_positions, self._discrepant_merge_genotypes] ) if len(df) > 1: df = df.drop_duplicates() return df @property def build(self): """Build of SNPs. Returns ------- int """ return self._build @property def build_detected(self): """Status indicating if build of SNPs was detected. Returns ------- bool """ return self._build_detected @property def assembly(self): """Assembly of SNPs. Returns ------- str """ if == 37: return "GRCh37" elif == 36: return "NCBI36" elif == 38: return "GRCh38" else: return "" @property def count(self): """Count of SNPs. Returns ------- int """ return self.get_count() @property def chromosomes(self): """Chromosomes of SNPs. Returns ------- list list of str chromosomes (e.g., ['1', '2', '3', 'MT'], empty list if no chromosomes """ if not self._snps.empty: return list(pd.unique(self._snps["chrom"])) else: return [] @property def chromosomes_summary(self): """Summary of the chromosomes of SNPs. Returns ------- str human-readable listing of chromosomes (e.g., '1-3, MT'), empty str if no chromosomes """ if not self._snps.empty: chroms = list(pd.unique(self._snps["chrom"])) int_chroms = [int(chrom) for chrom in chroms if chrom.isdigit()] str_chroms = [chrom for chrom in chroms if not chrom.isdigit()] # def as_range(iterable): l = list(iterable) if len(l) > 1: return f"{l[0]}-{l[-1]}" else: return f"{l[0]}" # create str representations int_chroms = ", ".join( as_range(g) for _, g in groupby(int_chroms, key=lambda n, c=count(): n - next(c)) ) str_chroms = ", ".join(str_chroms) if int_chroms != "" and str_chroms != "": int_chroms += ", " return int_chroms + str_chroms else: return "" @property def sex(self): """Sex derived from SNPs. Returns ------- str 'Male' or 'Female' if detected, else empty str """ sex = self.determine_sex(chrom="X") if not sex: sex = self.determine_sex(chrom="Y") return sex @property def unannotated_vcf(self): """Indicates if VCF file is unannotated. Returns ------- bool """ if self.count == 0 and self.source == "vcf": return True return False @property def phased(self): """Indicates if genotype is phased. Returns ------- bool """ return self._phased @property def cluster(self): """Detected chip cluster, if any, per :meth:`compute_cluster_overlap <snps.snps.SNPs.compute_cluster_overlap>`. Notes ----- Refer to :meth:`compute_cluster_overlap <snps.snps.SNPs.compute_cluster_overlap>` for more details about chip clusters. Returns ------- str detected chip cluster, e.g., 'c1', else empty str """ if not self._cluster: self.compute_cluster_overlap() return self._cluster @property def chip(self): """Detected deduced genotype / chip array, if any, per :meth:`compute_cluster_overlap <snps.snps.SNPs.compute_cluster_overlap>`. Returns ------- str detected chip array, else empty str """ if not self._chip: self.compute_cluster_overlap() return self._chip @property def chip_version(self): """Detected genotype / chip array version, if any, per :meth:`compute_cluster_overlap <snps.snps.SNPs.compute_cluster_overlap>`. Notes ----- Chip array version is only applicable to 23andMe (v3, v4, v5) and AncestryDNA (v1, v2) files. Returns ------- str detected chip array version, e.g., 'v4', else empty str """ if not self._chip_version: self.compute_cluster_overlap() return self._chip_version
[docs] def heterozygous(self, chrom=""): """Get heterozygous SNPs. Parameters ---------- chrom : str, optional chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT") Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ df = self._filter(chrom) return df.loc[ (df.genotype.notnull()) & (df.genotype.str.len() == 2) & (df.genotype.str[0] != df.genotype.str[1]) ]
[docs] def homozygous(self, chrom=""): """Get homozygous SNPs. Parameters ---------- chrom : str, optional chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT") Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ df = self._filter(chrom) return df.loc[ (df.genotype.notnull()) & (df.genotype.str.len() == 2) & (df.genotype.str[0] == df.genotype.str[1]) ]
[docs] def notnull(self, chrom=""): """Get not null genotype SNPs. Parameters ---------- chrom : str, optional chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT") Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame normalized ``snps`` dataframe """ df = self._filter(chrom) return df.loc[df.genotype.notnull()]
@property def summary(self): """Summary of SNPs. Returns ------- dict summary info if ``SNPs`` is valid, else {} """ if not self.valid: return {} else: return { "source": self.source, "assembly": self.assembly, "build":, "build_detected": self.build_detected, "count": self.count, "chromosomes": self.chromosomes_summary, "sex":, } @property def valid(self): """Determine if ``SNPs`` is valid. ``SNPs`` is valid when the input file has been successfully parsed. Returns ------- bool True if ``SNPs`` is valid """ if self.snps.empty: return False else: return True def save( self, filename="", vcf=False, atomic=True, vcf_alt_unavailable=".", vcf_qc_only=False, vcf_qc_filter=False, **kwargs, ): warnings.warn( "Method `save` has been replaced by `to_csv`, `to_tsv`, and `to_vcf`.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self._save( filename, vcf, atomic, vcf_alt_unavailable, vcf_qc_only, vcf_qc_filter, **kwargs, ) def _save( self, filename="", vcf=False, atomic=True, vcf_alt_unavailable=".", vcf_chrom_prefix="", vcf_qc_only=False, vcf_qc_filter=False, **kwargs, ): """Save SNPs to file. References ---------- 1. Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho (O'Reilly). Copyright 2015 Luciano Ramalho, 978-1-491-94600-8. """ if "sep" not in kwargs: kwargs["sep"] = "\t" w = Writer( snps=self, filename=filename, vcf=vcf, atomic=atomic, vcf_alt_unavailable=vcf_alt_unavailable, vcf_chrom_prefix=vcf_chrom_prefix, vcf_qc_only=vcf_qc_only, vcf_qc_filter=vcf_qc_filter, **kwargs, ) path, *extra = w.write() if len(extra) == 1 and not extra[0].empty: self._discrepant_vcf_position = extra[0] self._discrepant_vcf_position.set_index("rsid", inplace=True) logger.warning( f"{len(self.discrepant_vcf_position)} SNP positions were found to be discrepant when saving VCF" ) return path
[docs] def to_csv(self, filename="", atomic=True, **kwargs): """Output SNPs as comma-separated values. Parameters ---------- filename : str or buffer filename for file to save or buffer to write to atomic : bool atomically write output to a file on local filesystem **kwargs additional parameters to `pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` Returns ------- str path to file in output directory if SNPs were saved, else empty str """ kwargs["sep"] = "," return self._save(filename=filename, atomic=atomic, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_tsv(self, filename="", atomic=True, **kwargs): """Output SNPs as tab-separated values. Note that this results in the same default output as `save`. Parameters ---------- filename : str or buffer filename for file to save or buffer to write to atomic : bool atomically write output to a file on local filesystem **kwargs additional parameters to `pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` Returns ------- str path to file in output directory if SNPs were saved, else empty str """ kwargs["sep"] = "\t" return self._save(filename=filename, atomic=atomic, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_vcf( self, filename="", atomic=True, alt_unavailable=".", chrom_prefix="", qc_only=False, qc_filter=False, **kwargs, ): """Output SNPs as Variant Call Format. Parameters ---------- filename : str or buffer filename for file to save or buffer to write to atomic : bool atomically write output to a file on local filesystem alt_unavailable : str representation of ALT allele when ALT is not able to be determined chrom_prefix : str prefix for chromosomes in VCF CHROM column qc_only : bool output only SNPs that pass quality control qc_filter : bool populate FILTER column based on quality control results **kwargs additional parameters to `pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` Returns ------- str path to file in output directory if SNPs were saved, else empty str Notes ----- Parameters `qc_only` and `qc_filter`, if true, will identify low quality SNPs per :meth:`identify_low_quality_snps() <snps.snps.SNPs.identify_low_quality_snps>`, if not done already. Moreover, these parameters have no effect if this SNPs object does not map to a cluster per :meth:`compute_cluster_overlap() <snps.snps.SNPs.compute_cluster_overlap>`. References ---------- 1. The Variant Call Format (VCF) Version 4.2 Specification, 8 Mar 2019, """ return self._save( filename=filename, vcf=True, atomic=atomic, vcf_alt_unavailable=alt_unavailable, vcf_chrom_prefix=chrom_prefix, vcf_qc_only=qc_only, vcf_qc_filter=qc_filter, **kwargs, )
def _filter(self, chrom=""): return self.snps.loc[self.snps.chrom == chrom] if chrom else self.snps def _read_raw_data(self, file, only_detect_source, rsids): r = Reader(file, only_detect_source, self._resources, rsids) return def _assign_par_snps(self): """Assign PAR SNPs to the X or Y chromosome using SNP position. References ----- 1. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Variation Services, RefSNP, 2. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613), `<>`_ 3. Zerbino et. al. (, 4. Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1; 29(1):308-11. 5. Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP). Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine. dbSNP accession: rs28736870, rs113313554, and rs758419898 (dbSNP Build ID: 151). Available from: """ rest_client = EnsemblRestClient( server="", reqs_per_sec=1 ) for rsid in self._snps.loc[self._snps["chrom"] == "PAR"].index.values: if "rs" in rsid: response = self._lookup_refsnp_snapshot(rsid, rest_client) if response is not None: for item in response["primary_snapshot_data"][ "placements_with_allele" ]: if "NC_000023" in item["seq_id"]: assigned = self._assign_snp(rsid, item["alleles"], "X") elif "NC_000024" in item["seq_id"]: assigned = self._assign_snp(rsid, item["alleles"], "Y") else: assigned = False if assigned: if not self._build_detected: self._build = self._extract_build(item) self._build_detected = True break def _lookup_refsnp_snapshot(self, rsid, rest_client): id = rsid.split("rs")[1] response = rest_client.perform_rest_action("/variation/v0/refsnp/" + id) if "merged_snapshot_data" in response: # this RefSnp id was merged into another # we'll pick the first one to decide which chromosome this PAR will be assigned to merged_id = "rs" + response["merged_snapshot_data"]["merged_into"][0]"SNP id {rsid} has been merged into id {merged_id}") return self._lookup_refsnp_snapshot(merged_id, rest_client) elif "nosnppos_snapshot_data" in response: logger.warning(f"Unable to look up SNP id {rsid}") return None else: return response def _assign_snp(self, rsid, alleles, chrom): # only assign SNP if positions match (i.e., same build) for allele in alleles: allele_pos = allele["allele"]["spdi"]["position"] # ref SNP positions seem to be 0-based... if allele_pos == self._snps.loc[rsid].pos - 1: self._snps.loc[rsid, "chrom"] = chrom return True return False def _extract_build(self, item): assembly_name = item["placement_annot"]["seq_id_traits_by_assembly"][0][ "assembly_name" ] assembly_name = assembly_name.split(".")[0] return int(assembly_name[-2:])
[docs] def detect_build(self): """Detect build of SNPs. Use the coordinates of common SNPs to identify the build / assembly of a genotype file that is being loaded. Notes ----- * rs3094315 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38 * rs11928389 : plus strand in 36, minus strand in 37 and 38 * rs2500347 : plus strand in 36 and 37, minus strand in 38 * rs964481 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38 * rs2341354 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38 * rs3850290 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38 * rs1329546 : plus strand in 36, 37, and 38 Returns ------- int detected build of SNPs, else 0 References ---------- 1. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613), `<>`_ 2. Zerbino et. al. (, 3. Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. 4. Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP). Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine. dbSNP accession: rs3094315, rs11928389, rs2500347, rs964481, rs2341354, rs3850290, and rs1329546 (dbSNP Build ID: 151). Available from: """ def lookup_build_with_snp_pos(pos, s): try: return int(s.loc[s == pos].index[0]) except: return 0 build = 0 rsids = [ "rs3094315", "rs11928389", "rs2500347", "rs964481", "rs2341354", "rs3850290", "rs1329546", ] df = pd.DataFrame( { 36: [ 742429, 50908372, 143649677, 27566744, 908436, 22315141, 135302086, ], 37: [ 752566, 50927009, 144938320, 27656823, 918573, 23245301, 135474420, ], 38: [ 817186, 50889578, 148946169, 27638706, 983193, 22776092, 136392261, ], }, index=rsids, ) for rsid in rsids: if rsid in self._snps.index: build = lookup_build_with_snp_pos( self._snps.loc[rsid].pos, df.loc[rsid] ) if build: break return build
[docs] def get_count(self, chrom=""): """Count of SNPs. Parameters ---------- chrom : str, optional chromosome (e.g., "1", "X", "MT") Returns ------- int """ return len(self._filter(chrom))
[docs] def determine_sex( self, heterozygous_x_snps_threshold=0.03, y_snps_not_null_threshold=0.3, chrom="X", ): """Determine sex from SNPs using thresholds. Parameters ---------- heterozygous_x_snps_threshold : float percentage heterozygous X SNPs; above this threshold, Female is determined y_snps_not_null_threshold : float percentage Y SNPs that are not null; above this threshold, Male is determined chrom : {"X", "Y"} use X or Y chromosome SNPs to determine sex Returns ------- str 'Male' or 'Female' if detected, else empty str """ if not self._snps.empty: if chrom == "X": return self._determine_sex_X(heterozygous_x_snps_threshold) elif chrom == "Y": return self._determine_sex_Y(y_snps_not_null_threshold) return ""
def _determine_sex_X(self, threshold): x_snps = self.get_count("X") if x_snps > 0: if len(self.heterozygous("X")) / x_snps > threshold: return "Female" else: return "Male" else: return "" def _determine_sex_Y(self, threshold): y_snps = self.get_count("Y") if y_snps > 0: if len(self.notnull("Y")) / y_snps > threshold: return "Male" else: return "Female" else: return "" def _get_non_par_start_stop(self, chrom): # get non-PAR start / stop positions for chrom pr = self.get_par_regions( np_start = pr.loc[(pr.chrom == chrom) & (pr.region == "PAR1")].stop.values[0] np_stop = pr.loc[(pr.chrom == chrom) & (pr.region == "PAR2")].start.values[0] return np_start, np_stop def _get_non_par_snps(self, chrom, heterozygous=True): np_start, np_stop = self._get_non_par_start_stop(chrom) df = self._filter(chrom) if heterozygous: # get heterozygous SNPs in the non-PAR region (i.e., discrepant XY SNPs) return df.loc[ (df.genotype.notnull()) & (df.genotype.str.len() == 2) & (df.genotype.str[0] != df.genotype.str[1]) & (df.pos > np_start) & (df.pos < np_stop) ].index else: # get homozygous SNPs in the non-PAR region return df.loc[ (df.genotype.notnull()) & (df.genotype.str.len() == 2) & (df.genotype.str[0] == df.genotype.str[1]) & (df.pos > np_start) & (df.pos < np_stop) ].index def _deduplicate_rsids(self): # Keep first duplicate rsid. duplicate_rsids = self._snps.index.duplicated(keep="first") # save duplicate SNPs self._duplicate = pd.concat([self._duplicate, self._snps.loc[duplicate_rsids]]) # deduplicate self._snps = self._snps.loc[~duplicate_rsids] def _deduplicate_alleles(self, rsids): # remove duplicate allele self._snps.loc[rsids, "genotype"] = self._snps.loc[rsids, "genotype"].apply( lambda x: x[0] ) def _deduplicate_sex_chrom(self, chrom): """Deduplicate a chromosome in the non-PAR region.""" discrepant_XY_snps = self._get_non_par_snps(chrom) # save discrepant XY SNPs self._discrepant_XY = pd.concat( [self._discrepant_XY, self._snps.loc[discrepant_XY_snps]] ) # drop discrepant XY SNPs since it's ambiguous for which allele to deduplicate self._snps.drop(discrepant_XY_snps, inplace=True) # get remaining non-PAR SNPs with two alleles non_par_snps = self._get_non_par_snps(chrom, heterozygous=False) self._deduplicate_alleles(non_par_snps) def _deduplicate_XY_chrom(self): """Fix chromosome issue where some data providers duplicate male X and Y chromosomes""" self._deduplicate_sex_chrom("X") self._deduplicate_sex_chrom("Y") def _deduplicate_MT_chrom(self): """Deduplicate MT chromosome.""" heterozygous_MT_snps = self._snps.loc[self.heterozygous("MT").index].index # save heterozygous MT SNPs self._heterozygous_MT = pd.concat( [self._heterozygous_MT, self._snps.loc[heterozygous_MT_snps]] ) # drop heterozygous MT SNPs since it's ambiguous for which allele to deduplicate self._snps.drop(heterozygous_MT_snps, inplace=True) self._deduplicate_alleles(self.homozygous("MT").index)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_par_regions(build): """Get PAR regions for the X and Y chromosomes. Parameters ---------- build : int build of SNPs Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame PAR regions for the given build References ---------- 1. Genome Reference Consortium, 2. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613), `<>`_ 3. Zerbino et. al. (, """ if build == 37: return pd.DataFrame( { "region": ["PAR1", "PAR2", "PAR1", "PAR2"], "chrom": ["X", "X", "Y", "Y"], "start": [60001, 154931044, 10001, 59034050], "stop": [2699520, 155260560, 2649520, 59363566], }, columns=["region", "chrom", "start", "stop"], ) elif build == 38: return pd.DataFrame( { "region": ["PAR1", "PAR2", "PAR1", "PAR2"], "chrom": ["X", "X", "Y", "Y"], "start": [10001, 155701383, 10001, 56887903], "stop": [2781479, 156030895, 2781479, 57217415], }, columns=["region", "chrom", "start", "stop"], ) elif build == 36: return pd.DataFrame( { "region": ["PAR1", "PAR2", "PAR1", "PAR2"], "chrom": ["X", "X", "Y", "Y"], "start": [1, 154584238, 1, 57443438], "stop": [2709520, 154913754, 2709520, 57772954], }, columns=["region", "chrom", "start", "stop"], ) else: return pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def sort(self): """Sort SNPs based on ordered chromosome list and position.""" sorted_list = sorted( (str(x) for x in self._snps["chrom"].unique()), key=self._natural_sort_key ) # move PAR and MT to the end of the dataframe if "PAR" in sorted_list: sorted_list.remove("PAR") sorted_list.append("PAR") if "MT" in sorted_list: sorted_list.remove("MT") sorted_list.append("MT") # convert chrom column to category for sorting # self._snps["chrom"] = self._snps["chrom"].astype( CategoricalDtype(categories=sorted_list, ordered=True) ) # sort based on ordered chromosome list and position snps = self._snps.sort_values(["chrom", "pos"]) # convert chromosome back to object snps["chrom"] = snps["chrom"].astype(object) self._snps = snps
[docs] def remap(self, target_assembly, complement_bases=True): """Remap SNP coordinates from one assembly to another. This method uses the assembly map endpoint of the Ensembl REST API service (via ``Resources``'s ``EnsemblRestClient``) to convert SNP coordinates / positions from one assembly to another. After remapping, the coordinates / positions for the SNPs will be that of the target assembly. If the SNPs are already mapped relative to the target assembly, remapping will not be performed. Parameters ---------- target_assembly : {'NCBI36', 'GRCh37', 'GRCh38', 36, 37, 38} assembly to remap to complement_bases : bool complement bases when remapping SNPs to the minus strand Returns ------- chromosomes_remapped : list of str chromosomes remapped chromosomes_not_remapped : list of str chromosomes not remapped Notes ----- An assembly is also know as a "build." For example: Assembly NCBI36 = Build 36 Assembly GRCh37 = Build 37 Assembly GRCh38 = Build 38 See for more information about assemblies and remapping. References ---------- 1. Ensembl, Assembly Map Endpoint, 2. Yates et. al. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu613), `<>`_ 3. Zerbino et. al. (, """ chromosomes_remapped = [] chromosomes_not_remapped = [] snps = self.snps if snps.empty: logger.warning("No SNPs to remap") return chromosomes_remapped, chromosomes_not_remapped else: chromosomes = snps["chrom"].unique() chromosomes_not_remapped = list(chromosomes) valid_assemblies = ["NCBI36", "GRCh37", "GRCh38", 36, 37, 38] if target_assembly not in valid_assemblies: logger.warning("Invalid target assembly") return chromosomes_remapped, chromosomes_not_remapped if isinstance(target_assembly, int): if target_assembly == 36: target_assembly = "NCBI36" else: target_assembly = "GRCh" + str(target_assembly) if == 36: source_assembly = "NCBI36" else: source_assembly = "GRCh" + str( if source_assembly == target_assembly: return chromosomes_remapped, chromosomes_not_remapped assembly_mapping_data = self._resources.get_assembly_mapping_data( source_assembly, target_assembly ) if not assembly_mapping_data: return chromosomes_remapped, chromosomes_not_remapped tasks = [] for chrom in chromosomes: if chrom in assembly_mapping_data: chromosomes_remapped.append(chrom) chromosomes_not_remapped.remove(chrom) mappings = assembly_mapping_data[chrom] tasks.append( { "snps": snps.loc[snps["chrom"] == chrom], "mappings": mappings, "complement_bases": complement_bases, } ) else: logger.warning( f"Chromosome {chrom} not remapped; " f"removing chromosome from SNPs for consistency" ) snps = snps.drop(snps.loc[snps["chrom"] == chrom].index) # remap SNPs remapped_snps = self._parallelizer(self._remapper, tasks) remapped_snps = pd.concat(remapped_snps) # update SNP positions and genotypes snps.loc[remapped_snps.index, "pos"] = remapped_snps["pos"] snps.loc[remapped_snps.index, "genotype"] = remapped_snps["genotype"] snps.pos = snps.pos.astype(np.uint32) self._snps = snps self.sort() self._build = int(target_assembly[-2:]) return chromosomes_remapped, chromosomes_not_remapped
def _remapper(self, task): """Remap SNPs for a chromosome. Parameters ---------- task : dict dict with `snps` to remap per `mappings`, optionally `complement_bases` Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame remapped SNPs """ temp = task["snps"].copy() mappings = task["mappings"] complement_bases = task["complement_bases"] temp["remapped"] = False pos_start = int(temp["pos"].describe()["min"]) pos_end = int(temp["pos"].describe()["max"]) for mapping in mappings["mappings"]: orig_start = mapping["original"]["start"] orig_end = mapping["original"]["end"] mapped_start = mapping["mapped"]["start"] mapped_end = mapping["mapped"]["end"] orig_region = mapping["original"]["seq_region_name"] mapped_region = mapping["mapped"]["seq_region_name"] # skip if mapping is outside of range of SNP positions if orig_end < pos_start or orig_start > pos_end: continue # find the SNPs that are being remapped for this mapping snp_indices = temp.loc[ ~temp["remapped"] & (temp["pos"] >= orig_start) & (temp["pos"] <= orig_end) ].index # if there are no snp here, skip if not len(snp_indices): continue orig_range_len = orig_end - orig_start mapped_range_len = mapped_end - mapped_start # if this would change chromosome, skip # TODO allow within normal chromosomes # TODO flatten patches if orig_region != mapped_region: logger.warning( f"discrepant chroms for {len(snp_indices)} SNPs from {orig_region} to {mapped_region}" ) continue # if there is any stretching or squashing of the region # observed when mapping NCBI36 -> GRCh38 # TODO disallow skipping a version when remapping if orig_range_len != mapped_range_len: logger.warning( f"discrepant coords for {len(snp_indices)} SNPs from {orig_region}:{orig_start}-{orig_end} to {mapped_region}:{mapped_start}-{mapped_end}" ) continue # remap the SNPs if mapping["mapped"]["strand"] == -1: # flip and (optionally) complement since we're mapping to minus strand diff_from_start = temp.loc[snp_indices, "pos"] - orig_start temp.loc[snp_indices, "pos"] = mapped_end - diff_from_start if complement_bases: temp.loc[snp_indices, "genotype"] = temp.loc[ snp_indices, "genotype" ].apply(self._complement_bases) else: # mapping is on same (plus) strand, so just remap based on offset offset = mapped_start - orig_start temp.loc[snp_indices, "pos"] = temp["pos"] + offset # mark these SNPs as remapped temp.loc[snp_indices, "remapped"] = True return temp def _complement_bases(self, genotype): if pd.isnull(genotype): return np.nan complement = "" for base in list(genotype): if base == "A": complement += "T" elif base == "G": complement += "C" elif base == "C": complement += "G" elif base == "T": complement += "A" else: complement += base return complement # @staticmethod def _natural_sort_key(s, natural_sort_re=re.compile("([0-9]+)")): return [ int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() for text in re.split(natural_sort_re, s) ]
[docs] def merge( self, snps_objects=(), discrepant_positions_threshold=100, discrepant_genotypes_threshold=500, remap=True, chrom="", ): """Merge other ``SNPs`` objects into this ``SNPs`` object. Parameters ---------- snps_objects : list or tuple of ``SNPs`` other ``SNPs`` objects to merge into this ``SNPs`` object discrepant_positions_threshold : int threshold for discrepant SNP positions between existing data and data to be loaded; a large value could indicate mismatched genome assemblies discrepant_genotypes_threshold : int threshold for discrepant genotype data between existing data and data to be loaded; a large value could indicated mismatched individuals remap : bool if necessary, remap other ``SNPs`` objects to have the same build as this ``SNPs`` object before merging chrom : str, optional chromosome to merge (e.g., "1", "Y", "MT") Returns ------- list of dict for each ``SNPs`` object to merge, a dict with the following items: merged (bool) whether ``SNPs`` object was merged common_rsids (pandas.Index) SNPs in common discrepant_position_rsids (pandas.Index) SNPs with discrepant positions discrepant_genotype_rsids (pandas.Index) SNPs with discrepant genotypes References ---------- 1. Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho (O'Reilly). Copyright 2015 Luciano Ramalho, 978-1-491-94600-8. """ def init(s): # initialize this SNPs object with properties of the SNPs object being merged self._snps = s.snps self._duplicate = s.duplicate self._discrepant_XY = s.discrepant_XY self._heterozygous_MT = s.heterozygous_MT self._discrepant_vcf_position = s.discrepant_vcf_position self._discrepant_merge_positions = s.discrepant_merge_positions self._discrepant_merge_genotypes = s.discrepant_merge_genotypes self._source = s._source self._phased = s.phased self._build = self._build_detected = s.build_detected def ensure_same_build(s): # ensure builds match when merging if not s.build_detected: logger.warning( f"Build not detected for {s.__repr__()}, assuming Build {}" ) if != f"{s.__repr__()} has Build {}; remapping to Build {}" ) s.remap( def merge_properties(s): if not s.build_detected: # can no longer assume build has been detected for all SNPs after merge self._build_detected = False if not s.phased: # can no longer assume all SNPs are phased after merge self._phased = False self._source.extend(s._source) def merge_dfs(s): # append dataframes created when a ``SNPs`` object is instantiated self._duplicate = pd.concat([self.duplicate, s.duplicate]) self._discrepant_XY = pd.concat([self.discrepant_XY, s.discrepant_XY]) self._heterozygous_MT = pd.concat([self.heterozygous_MT, s.heterozygous_MT]) self._discrepant_vcf_position = pd.concat( [self.discrepant_vcf_position, s.discrepant_vcf_position] ) def merge_snps(s, positions_threshold, genotypes_threshold, merge_chrom): # merge SNPs, identifying those with discrepant positions and genotypes; update NAs # identify common SNPs (i.e., any rsids being added that already exist in self.snps) df = ( self.snps.join(s.snps, how="inner", rsuffix="_added") if not merge_chrom else self.snps.loc[self.snps.chrom == merge_chrom].join( s.snps.loc[s.snps.chrom == merge_chrom], how="inner", rsuffix="_added", ) ) common_rsids = df.index discrepant_positions = df.loc[ (df.chrom != df.chrom_added) | (df.pos != df.pos_added) ] if len(discrepant_positions) >= positions_threshold: logger.warning( "Too many SNPs differ in position; ensure SNPs have same build" ) return (False,) # remove null genotypes df = df.loc[~df.genotype.isnull() & ~df.genotype_added.isnull()] # discrepant genotypes are where alleles are not equivalent (i.e., alleles are not the # same and not swapped) discrepant_genotypes = df.loc[ (df.genotype.str.len() != df.genotype_added.str.len()) | ( (df.genotype.str.len() == 1) & (df.genotype_added.str.len() == 1) & (df.genotype != df.genotype_added) ) | ( (df.genotype.str.len() == 2) & (df.genotype_added.str.len() == 2) & ~( (df.genotype.str[0] == df.genotype_added.str[0]) & (df.genotype.str[1] == df.genotype_added.str[1]) ) & ~( (df.genotype.str[0] == df.genotype_added.str[1]) & (df.genotype.str[1] == df.genotype_added.str[0]) ) ) ] if len(discrepant_genotypes) >= genotypes_threshold: logger.warning( "Too many SNPs differ in their genotype; ensure file is for same " "individual" ) return (False,) # add new SNPs self._snps = ( self.snps.combine_first(s.snps) if not merge_chrom else self.snps.combine_first(s.snps.loc[s.snps.chrom == merge_chrom]) ) # combine_first converts position to float64, so convert it back to uint32 self._snps["pos"] = self.snps["pos"].astype(np.uint32) if 0 < len(discrepant_positions) < positions_threshold: logger.warning( f"{str(len(discrepant_positions))} SNP positions were discrepant; keeping original positions" ) if 0 < len(discrepant_genotypes) < genotypes_threshold: logger.warning( f"{str(len(discrepant_genotypes))} SNP genotypes were discrepant; marking those as null" ) # set discrepant genotypes to null self._snps.loc[discrepant_genotypes.index, "genotype"] = np.nan # append discrepant positions dataframe self._discrepant_merge_positions = pd.concat( [self._discrepant_merge_positions, discrepant_positions], sort=True ) # append discrepant genotypes dataframe self._discrepant_merge_genotypes = pd.concat( [self._discrepant_merge_genotypes, discrepant_genotypes], sort=True ) return ( True, { "common_rsids": common_rsids, "discrepant_position_rsids": discrepant_positions.index, "discrepant_genotype_rsids": discrepant_genotypes.index, }, ) results = [] for snps_object in snps_objects: d = { "merged": False, "common_rsids": pd.Index([], name="rsid"), "discrepant_position_rsids": pd.Index([], name="rsid"), "discrepant_genotype_rsids": pd.Index([], name="rsid"), } if not snps_object.valid: logger.warning("No SNPs to merge...") results.append(d) continue if not self.valid:"Loading {snps_object.__repr__()}") init(snps_object) d.update({"merged": True}) else:"Merging {snps_object.__repr__()}") if remap: ensure_same_build(snps_object) if != logger.warning( f"{snps_object.__repr__()} has Build {}; this SNPs object has Build {}" ) merged, *extra = merge_snps( snps_object, discrepant_positions_threshold, discrepant_genotypes_threshold, chrom, ) if merged: merge_properties(snps_object) merge_dfs(snps_object) self.sort() d.update({"merged": True}) d.update(extra[0]) results.append(d) return results
def sort_snps(self): warnings.warn("This method has been renamed to `sort`.", DeprecationWarning) self.sort() def remap_snps(self, target_assembly, complement_bases=True): warnings.warn("This method has been renamed to `remap`.", DeprecationWarning) return self.remap(target_assembly, complement_bases) def save_snps(self, filename="", vcf=False, atomic=True, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "Method `save_snps` has been replaced by `to_csv`, `to_tsv`, and `to_vcf`.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self._save(filename, vcf, atomic, **kwargs) @property def snp_count(self): warnings.warn("This property has been renamed to `count`.", DeprecationWarning) return self.count def get_snp_count(self, chrom=""): warnings.warn( "This method has been renamed to `get_count`.", DeprecationWarning ) return self.get_count(chrom) def not_null_snps(self, chrom=""): warnings.warn("This method has been renamed to `notnull`.", DeprecationWarning) return self.notnull(chrom) def get_summary(self): warnings.warn( "This method has been renamed to `summary` and is now a property.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.summary def get_assembly(self): warnings.warn("See the `assembly` property.", DeprecationWarning) return self.assembly def get_chromosomes(self): warnings.warn("See the `chromosomes` property.", DeprecationWarning) return self.chromosomes def get_chromosomes_summary(self): warnings.warn("See the `chromosomes_summary` property.", DeprecationWarning) return self.chromosomes_summary @property def duplicate_snps(self): warnings.warn( "This property has been renamed to `duplicate`.", DeprecationWarning ) return self.duplicate @property def discrepant_XY_snps(self): warnings.warn( "This property has been renamed to `discrepant_XY`.", DeprecationWarning ) return self.discrepant_XY @property def heterozygous_MT_snps(self): warnings.warn( "This property has been renamed to `heterozygous_MT`.", DeprecationWarning ) return self.heterozygous_MT def heterozygous_snps(self, chrom=""): warnings.warn( "This method has been renamed to `heterozygous`.", DeprecationWarning ) return self.heterozygous(chrom) def homozygous_snps(self, chrom=""): warnings.warn( "This method has been renamed to `homozygous`.", DeprecationWarning ) return self.homozygous(chrom) @property def discrepant_positions(self): warnings.warn( "This property has been renamed to `discrepant_merge_positions`.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.discrepant_merge_positions @property def discrepant_genotypes(self): warnings.warn( "This property has been renamed to `discrepant_merge_genotypes`.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.discrepant_merge_genotypes @property def discrepant_snps(self): warnings.warn( "This property has been renamed to `discrepant_merge_positions_genotypes`.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.discrepant_merge_positions_genotypes def is_valid(self): warnings.warn( "This method has been renamed to `valid` and is now a property.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.valid
[docs] def predict_ancestry( self, output_directory=None, write_predictions=False, models_directory=None, aisnps_directory=None, aisnps_set=None, ): """Predict genetic ancestry for SNPs. Predictions by `ezancestry <>`_. Notes ----- Populations below are described `here <>`_. Parameters ---------- various : optional See the available settings for `predict` at `ezancestry <>`_. Returns ------- dict dict with the following keys: `population_code` (str) max predicted population for the sample `population_percent` (float) predicted probability for the max predicted population `superpopulation_code` (str) max predicted super population (continental) for the sample `superpopulation_percent` (float) predicted probability for the max predicted super population `ezancestry_df` (pandas.DataFrame) pandas.DataFrame with the following columns: `component1`, `component2`, `component3` The coordinates of the sample in the dimensionality-reduced component space. Can be used as (x, y, z,) coordinates for plotting in a 3d scatter plot. `predicted_ancestry_population` The max predicted population for the sample. `ACB`, `ASW`, `BEB`, `CDX`, `CEU`, `CHB`, `CHS`, `CLM`, `ESN`, `FIN`, `GBR`, `GIH`, `GWD`, `IBS`, `ITU`, `JPT`, `KHV`, `LWK`, `MSL`, `MXL`, `PEL`, `PJL`, `PUR`, `STU`, `TSI`, `YRI` Predicted probabilities for each of the populations. These sum to 1.0. `predicted_ancestry_superpopulation` The max predicted super population (continental) for the sample. `AFR`, `AMR`, `EAS`, `EUR`, `SAS` Predicted probabilities for each of the super populations. These sum to 1.0. """ if not self.valid: return {} try: from ezancestry.commands import predict except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Ancestry prediction requires the ezancestry package; please install it using pip install ezancestry" ) def max_pop(row): popcode = row["predicted_ancestry_population"] poppct = row[popcode] superpopcode = row["predicted_ancestry_superpopulation"] superpoppct = row[superpopcode] return { "population_code": popcode, "population_percent": poppct, "superpopulation_code": superpopcode, "superpopulation_percent": superpoppct, } predictions = predict( self.snps, output_directory, write_predictions, models_directory, aisnps_directory, aisnps_set, ) d = dict(predictions.apply(max_pop, axis=1).iloc[0]) d["ezancestry_df"] = predictions return d
[docs] def compute_cluster_overlap(self, cluster_overlap_threshold=0.95): """Compute overlap with chip clusters. Chip clusters, which are defined in [1]_, are associated with deduced genotype / chip arrays and DTC companies. This method also sets the values returned by the `cluster`, `chip`, and `chip_version` properties, based on max overlap, if the specified threshold is satisfied. Parameters ---------- cluster_overlap_threshold : float threshold for cluster to overlap this SNPs object, and vice versa, to set values returned by the `cluster`, `chip`, and `chip_version` properties Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame pandas.DataFrame with the following columns: `company_composition` DTC company composition of associated cluster from [1]_ `chip_base_deduced` deduced genotype / chip array of associated cluster from [1]_ `snps_in_cluster` count of SNPs in cluster `snps_in_common` count of SNPs in common with cluster (inner merge with cluster) `overlap_with_cluster` percentage overlap of `snps_in_common` with cluster `overlap_with_self` percentage overlap of `snps_in_common` with this SNPs object References ---------- .. [1] Chang Lu, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Julian Gough, A survey of direct-to-consumer genotype data, and quality control tool (GenomePrep) for research, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Volume 19, 2021, Pages 3747-3754, ISSN 2001-0370, """ # information from Lu et. al (Ref. [1]_), Table 2 and Fig. 2 df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "cluster_id": ["c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "v5"], "company_composition": [ "23andMe-v4", "AncestryDNA-v1, FTDNA, MyHeritage", "23andMe-v3", "AncestryDNA-v2", "23andMe-v5, LivingDNA", ], "chip_base_deduced": [ "HTS iSelect HD", "OmniExpress", "OmniExpress plus", "OmniExpress plus", "Illumina GSAs", ], "snps_in_cluster": [0] * 5, "snps_in_common": [0] * 5, } ) df.set_index("cluster_id", inplace=True) if != 37: to_remap = copy.deepcopy(self) to_remap.remap(37) # clusters are relative to Build 37 self_snps = to_remap.snps[["chrom", "pos"]].drop_duplicates() else: self_snps = self.snps[["chrom", "pos"]].drop_duplicates() chip_clusters = self._resources.get_chip_clusters() for cluster in df.index.values: cluster_snps = chip_clusters.loc[ chip_clusters.clusters.str.contains(cluster) ][["chrom", "pos"]] df.loc[cluster, "snps_in_cluster"] = len(cluster_snps) df.loc[cluster, "snps_in_common"] = len( self_snps.merge(cluster_snps, how="inner") ) df["overlap_with_cluster"] = df.snps_in_common / df.snps_in_cluster df["overlap_with_self"] = df.snps_in_common / len(self_snps) max_overlap = df.overlap_with_cluster.idxmax() if ( df.overlap_with_cluster.loc[max_overlap] > cluster_overlap_threshold and df.overlap_with_self.loc[max_overlap] > cluster_overlap_threshold ): self._cluster = max_overlap self._chip = df.chip_base_deduced.loc[max_overlap] company_composition = df.company_composition.loc[max_overlap] if self.source in company_composition: if self.source == "23andMe" or self.source == "AncestryDNA": i = company_composition.find("v") self._chip_version = company_composition[i : i + 2] else: logger.warning( "Detected SNPs data source not found in cluster's company composition" ) return df
[docs] def identify_low_quality_snps(self): """Identify low quality SNPs based on chip clusters. Any low quality SNPs are removed from the :meth:`snps_qc <snps.snps.SNPs.snps_qc>` dataframe and are made available as :meth:`low_quality <snps.snps.SNPs.low_quality>`. Notes ----- Chip clusters, which are defined in [1]_, are associated with low quality SNPs. As such, low quality SNPs will only be identified when this SNPs object corresponds to a cluster per :meth:`compute_cluster_overlap() <snps.snps.SNPs.compute_cluster_overlap>`. """ if != 37: to_remap = copy.deepcopy(self) to_remap.remap(37) # clusters are relative to Build 37 self_snps = to_remap._snps[["chrom", "pos"]] else: self_snps = self._snps[["chrom", "pos"]] low_quality_snps = self._resources.get_low_quality_snps() if self.cluster: cluster_snps = low_quality_snps.loc[ low_quality_snps.cluster.str.contains(self.cluster) ][["chrom", "pos"]] # keep index after merge; merged = ( self_snps.reset_index() .merge(cluster_snps, how="inner") .set_index("rsid") ) self._low_quality = merged.index